Bridging passion and technique.

Although it was freezing in the cabaret, I still really enjoyed our speaker this morning. He had a lot of great tricks and tips and pointed out things you wouldn’t normally notice on your own–like articulation, stress, and pauses; things you use all the time but don’t necessarily know how to use in the best possible way.

I particularly appreciated this quote about balancing enthusiasm with knowledge and organization: “Passion without technique is embarrassing. Technique without passion is boring.”

This reminded me a little of our public diplomacy group. Yes, we have a lot of dedication and motivation, we just don’t know where to channel it first. And although having raw passion for something helps you push the issue and make your case, without refined technique that’s passion is: raw. Undeveloped, unrefined, and without direction, passion is useless. And, according to our speaker today, embarrassing.

Better get concentrated, ladies.

– Rheanna Bellomo –

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